IMD _Institute of Media and Design

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ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN | Marine Biology and Research Center Stavanger

Our earth's surface is dominated by 71% water. Only 29% of the earth are land masses, which we and all non-aquatic creatures inhabit. This ratio will more or less inevitably continue to change due to climatic changes on our planet. We should therefore increasingly inform ourselves about this important habitat and study it. In order to achieve an ever greater understanding of this all-encompassing element in the future and to understand which life forms and organisms inhabit it and keep it in balance. Currently, only 5 per cent of the earth's waters have been explored. It can therefore be assumed that these still hold so much that is worth knowing, which needs to be recognised and learned in order to obtain solutions and approaches from organisms and other life forms for solving problems of all kinds on land. In recent years, we have gained some new and interesting insights through research into algae, which, in addition to food and energy, are also emerging as a quality raw material in the construction sector. (For example, as an insulating material with particularly high fire resistance/heat resistance)

Many marine creatures also determine life on land. One example is salmon, which switch between the sea and freshwater rivers due to their natural mating behaviour. This has the effect that enzymes are carried into the land by these fish, which promote and enable the entire flora and fauna of the neighbouring regions. Humans have already been able to explore this and many other findings, but unfortunately, as in so many cases, only after the extinction of this species in many regions due to surprise and improper handling of this natural resource. Some examples of this are food procurement in excess (aquafarming etc.). However, this is only a small fraction of what we have already experienced.

In order to gain further knowledge and to ensure a healthy coexistence with the inhabitants of the oceans, it is imperative that there are facilities where our researchers can recreate situations on the seabed as accurately as possible, as well as study other areas of the sea that are difficult to reach or even better not to enter (so as not to destroy them). It is necessary to create facilities in which all the necessary conditions can be created. This requires special facilities such as laboratories, aquariums/tanks, logistical connections to resources (transport, harbours, jetties and basins for testing submersibles, etc.).

An existing and well-functioning facility of this type is the Geomar Centre Kiel. However, with one location across Europe, it is difficult to develop different strategies and approaches, so there should be more locations for targeted work to better understand this large area. I would like to turn my attention to the Scandinavian region in this draft. In particular, Norway, which is predestined as a research location for the ocean due to its special geographical location (the entire country lies on the European North Sea/Atlantic).

Leon Hengemühle

Student work by: Leon Hengemühle
Examiner: Prof. Matthias Karch
Co-examiner: Prof. Dr. Norman Hack
Coachings: Max Justus Hoven, Mohammad Bidhendi